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Different ways to make coffee at home

Ways to Make Coffee [Top 6 Methods to Try at Home]

Your new coffee just arrived in the mail – the one you’ve been dying to try. Now you’re wondering which brewing method will bring out the most flavor and retain the coffee’s quality to make your sipping experience sensational.

We’re letting you in on a little secret today as we reveal our top six tried-and-true ways to make coffee. Each one has the power to take your coffee drinking experience to a new level. Try one, two, or all of them to find the best brew for your buds.

Here at Fathom Coffee, we’re all in the same boat. We believe that making coffee is a delicate, often therapeutic, process. It’s the perfect way to start every day, and we hope it becomes your new daily ritual. Keep in mind that different methods can bring out different textures, flavors, and the barista deep inside you.

We’d love to hear which method you enjoy most. In the meantime, happy brewing!

Top 6 Ways to Make Coffee:

1. Fellow Stagg Pour Over

Three out of six of our top ways to make coffee are types of pour overs, which is no mistake. The pour over (or drip technique) is a classic, simple, and polished brewing method. It involves placing a coffee filter or cone over a cup or kettle and allowing the coffee to naturally drip through.

A Fellow Stagg Pour Over is a top-of-the-line mechanism that facilitates a continuous slow pour and gives you control over water dispersal and extraction. We consider this method the best for brewing the perfect cup consistently.

The Fellow Stagg Pour Over set has a ratio aid, helping you measure the correct amount of coffee every time. The coffee dripper body is vacuum insulated to preserve freshness. And don’t overlook the beautiful tasting glass that features a handblown borosilicate carafe (for longer heat retention) and a flared lip that delivers coffee to the front of your tongue for maximum flavor. This company considered every tiny detail so you can sit back and enjoy.

  • Coffee amount: Use the ratio aid to measure beans
  • Grind type: Medium
  • Water temperature: 200°F
  • Equipment needed: One dripper, one tasting glass, filters (20 come with the coffeemaker), grinder, kettle
  • How much it makes: Stagg [X] makes 10 ounces of coffee, and Stagg [XF] brews 20 ounces
  • When to use the Fellow Stagg Pour Over: You want an excellent, top-line, pure cup of coffee. You need equipment that holds heat and allows for maximum taste. You want to make amazing coffee easily from anywhere, including when camping or on the road.

2. Chemex

Fathom Coffee St. John Chemex

The Chemex is another pour-over method that allows you to show off the coffee connoisseur inside. It was invented in 1941 by an eccentric chemist named Dr. Peter Schlumbohm. Many think the Chemex makes the best-tasting brew because of its unique shape, special filter, and all-glass composition.

Not only is the Chemex functional, but it’s quite literally a piece of art. You can find it in various museums throughout the world. Created to be perfect in form and function and inspired by the Bauhaus school of design, the hourglass coffeemaker is an iconic piece of American history.

  • Coffee amount: One rounded tablespoon of ground coffee for every 5-ounce cup
  • Grind type: Medium course
  • Water temperature: 200°F
  • Equipment: Chemex carafe, pack of 100 Chemex Bonded Filters (sold separately), grinder, kettle
  • How much it makes: Up to six cups
  • When to use the Chemex: You’re looking for a clean, rich cup of coffee without sediment left at the bottom. You don’t mind taking a few extra minutes to make it manually. You love adding artistic flare to your coffee making process.

3. Cold Brew

Cold brew has a silky feel and can taste tart or rich and chocolaty, depending on the type of coffee you brew. This method is much more time consuming, taking up to 24 hours, but easy. Just immerse your coffee grounds in water at room temperature for at least 12 hours (we recommend 16), remove the grounds (using a French Press or similar method), strain the concentrate with a fine-mesh strainer, mix the concentrate with cold water or milk (1:1 ratio), and add ice.

The main benefit of cold brew is that it’s much less acidic than coffees brewed with hot water (including iced coffees). It’s also high in caffeine, and the unique brewing approach brings out the body and sweetness of the coffee.

  • Coffee amount: 1:5 ratio of coffee to water (for steeping)
  • Grind type: Medium fine
  • Water temperature: Room temperature or 68°F
  • Equipment: Covered jar or pitcher, French Press or coffee filter, fine-mesh sieve, grinder
  • How much it makes: As much as you want!
  • When to use cold brew: You want smooth coffee with less acidity. You love cold coffee year-round or during hot summer days. You want to make a large batch that you can store for up to two weeks in the fridge.

4. Bee House Dripper

The third drip method, Bee House, is another easy way to make a fine cup of coffee. It’s a 100% Japanese brewing method with a beautiful and fun design.

You don’t need to be a coffee artist to use the simple design since it doesn’t require a meticulous pouring technique. The Bee Dripper’s flat bottom and steep walls help control water flow through two small holes for a consistent, evenly extracted cup. It has a sturdy ceramic construction, and it’s darn cute.

  • Coffee amount: 36-42 grams of coffee for 600-700 mL of water
  • Grind type: Medium
  • Water temperature: 200°F
  • Equipment: Bee House Dripper, Melitta filters, grinder, scale, kettle
  • How much it makes: 10 ounces
  • When to use the Bee House Dripper: You want to use an easy, stress-free coffee-making process. You love bright and vibrant colors and the cute, Japanese style of this ceramic dripper.

5. AeroPress

The AeroPress is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make coffee or espresso. It brews a consistent, great-tasting cup using immersion-brewing technology and pressure. And it does it in under a minute! The result is a flavorsome, rich cup with less acidity and bitterness. With the micro-filter, you don’t have the coffee “mud” or grittiness you sometimes get from other immersion-style coffees.

Inverted Method:

  • Coffee amount: 20 grams of coffee (whole bean) per fluid ounce of water
  • Grind type: fine/medium grind
  • Water temperature: 195°F
  • Equipment: AeroPress (chamber, funnel, plunger, scoop, filters and filter holder, stirrer), grinder, kettle
  • How much it makes: 1-3 cups
  • When to use the AeroPress: You want an easy way to make coffee at the campsite, on the road, or at work. You love easy cleanup.
  • Instructions: Fill water to ‘2’ mark, 30 second bloom and stir. After 30 second bloom, top off with water and let sit for 45 seconds. Pre-wet filter in filter base, attach filter base, flip and place on cup, and plunge with consistent pressure.

Regular Method:

  • Coffee amount: 20 grams of coffee (whole bean) per fluid ounce of water
  • Grind type: fine/medium grind
  • Water temperature: 195°F
  • Equipment: AeroPress (chamber, funnel, plunger, scoop, filters and filter holder, stirrer), grinder, kettle
  • How much it makes: 1-3 cups
  • Instructions: Pre-wet filter in filter base, attach filter base to AeroPress, and place on cup. Place coffee grounds in aeropress, pour 150 grams of water, stir 20 seconds, and press with constant pressure. Pour an additional 160-200 grams of water depending on taste preference!

6. French Press

The French press is another classic method invented back in 1929 – and it’s a fast way to brew an excellent cup of joe at any place or time. It’s basically a container with a plunger and filter screen.

Instead of waiting for the coffee to drip through a filter, allow your grounds to soak and steep for approximately four minutes, and then strain them as you pour yourself a fresh cup. Steeping (or immersing) your coffee allows the caffeine, flavors, and oils to diffuse into the water, resulting in a robust, full-bodied coffee.

  • Coffee amount: 2-2.5 tablespoons (14-17 grams) of ground coffee for every cup of water, depending on how strong you like it
  • Grind type: Course
  • Brew time: 4 minutes
  • Water temperature: 194°F
  • Equipment: French press, grinder, kettle, timer
  • How much it makes: Up to 8 cups
  • When to use the French press: You want complete control over the entire process to achieve the strength and taste you love. You have five minutes to spend closely monitoring the process. You need to make a lot of quality coffee in a short time. You want rich, earthy flavored coffee and prefer a method you can use anywhere you can boil water.

Fathom Coffee’s Favorite Ways to Make Coffee

Our two favorite ways to make coffee are using a Chemex and Fellow Stagg Pour Over. To complete your at-home coffeehouse, you can pick up all the equipment we use in our shop to make amazing, quality coffees for ourselves and our customers.

Make Out-Of-This-World Coffee from the Comfort of Home

The most important part of making an excellent cup of coffee is the bean. We sell single-origin specialty beans from all around the world. If you’re not about to make a trip to Hawaii, the Middle East, Central or South America, Asia, or Africa, we’ve got you covered. Find your new favorite bean so you can practice brewing your coffee to perfection.

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