Ethiopia Wolenso Dabessa Organic SWP Decaf



Indulge in the authentic taste of Ethiopia without the caffeine buzz with our Organic Wolenso Dabessa SWP Decaf. This exceptional bean showcases that decaf coffee can be just as flavorful and complex as its caffeinated counterparts.

Cultivated by dedicated smallholder farmers in the Limu Kossa region of Wolenso, this coffee thrives in the ideal growing conditions of Ethiopia's highlands. The natural (dry) processing method, where coffee cherries are sun-dried on raised beds, imparts a distinctive fruity character to the beans.

What sets this coffee apart is its decaffeination process. The Swiss Water Process (SWP) is an innovative, chemical-free method that removes 99.9% of the caffeine while maintaining the coffee's inherent flavors. This gentle process uses only water, temperature, and time to extract the caffeine, ensuring that the unique characteristics of this Ethiopian coffee are preserved.

The flavor profile of this decaf is truly remarkable. It offers a convincing base sweetness with aromatic top notes that hint at its Ethiopian origins. Expect flavors of molasses, date sugar, plum, and blackberry. Some may even detect a subtle acidity reminiscent of green tea, adding complexity to the cup.

This coffee's versatility shines through, maintaining its distinct flavor profile and making it an excellent choice for various brewing methods. The fruity notes and subtle acidity are complemented by rich, sweet undertones, creating a balanced and satisfying cup.

By choosing this coffee, you're supporting Ethiopia's vital coffee industry, which forms the backbone of the country's economy. Coffee contributes significantly to Ethiopia's GDP and is the country's primary source of foreign exchange. Moreover, you're supporting small-scale farmers who use traditional, organic farming methods.

Ethiopia stands as Africa's largest coffee producer and the world's fifth-largest exporter of Arabica coffee. The country's coffee industry is deeply woven into the social and cultural fabric of Ethiopian life, with coffee ceremonies remaining a cherished tradition symbolizing friendship and hospitality.

Indulge in this exceptional Ethiopia Organic Wolenso Dabessa SWP Decaf and experience the rich heritage and unparalleled flavors of Ethiopian coffee, now available to enjoy any time of day or night. It's proof that decaf doesn't mean flavorless – every cup offers a journey through the diverse and delightful tastes of Ethiopia's coffee lands, without the caffeine.

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