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Ethiopia Washed Yirgacheffe Kochere Chelelektu


Experience the best of Ethiopian coffee heritage with Chelelektu Coffee. This grade 1 lot is sourced from the Chelelektu wetmill in Kochere, managed by Legese Kebede, and grown by 650 local smallholder farmers at altitudes of 1,900 to 2,100 meters. Each cherry is carefully sorted, pulped, fermented, sun-dried on raised African beds, and hand-picked before being shipped to market. Chelelektu Coffee is known for its unique flavor profile of citric acidity, sweet chocolate, and floral and herbal undertones, making every cup a rich and satisfying experience.


Experience the best of Ethiopian coffee heritage with Chelelektu Coffee. This grade 1 lot is sourced from the Chelelektu wetmill in Kochere, managed by Legese Kebede, and grown by 650 local smallholder farmers at altitudes of 1,900 to 2,100 meters. Each cherry is carefully sorted, pulped, fermented, sun-dried on raised African beds, and hand-picked before being shipped to market. Chelelektu Coffee is known for its unique flavor profile of citric acidity, sweet chocolate, and floral and herbal undertones, making every cup a rich and satisfying experience.

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